At Glow Skin Clinic, we provide a weight gain treatment program for those who are underweight or who need to improve their body mass, as we understand the significance of both gaining and losing weight in a healthy and balanced way. Our process begins with a thorough consultation where ourexperienced healthcare professionals assess your medical history, current health status, dietary habits, and lifestyle. The assessment enables us to create a customized weight gain plan based on your unique requirements and objectives.
Weight gain treatments involve dietary modifications, strength training exercises, and medical interventions. Dietary changes increase caloric intake, strength training builds muscle mass, and healthcare experts may recommend supplements or medications to stimulate appetite or address the underlying health conditions.
Eat a balanced diet rich in whole foods such as lean proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to gain weight healthily. Increase your intake with frequent, calorie-dense meals, and incorporate strength training to build muscle mass. Avoid empty calories from junk food to ensure weight gain is primarily lean muscle and supports overall health. Consult our health experts for a personalised plan.
Weight gain treatment results vary based on individual factors like metabolism, starting weight, and adherence to the treatment plan. Generally, noticeable changes can be seen within a few weeks to a couple of months. Maintaining a healthy weight gain requires consistent adherence to a nutrient-rich diet, regular strength training, and any prescribed medical treatments.